Mother's Day is a special day. Even if you don't have a good relationship with your mom or she ahs passed away, there are no doubt women in your life who are mothers to you. I adore my mom. And I have other women in my life who I DEFINITELY consider mother figures in my life. And Mother's Day is a great way to remind them that you love them (even though you should tell them EVERY DAY you love them and things will never show our full love for them). Here are just some suggestions.
1. Cups/Mugs
What is sweeter than a mug that says WORLD'S BEST MOTHER?
2. Personalized Jewelry
A gift she can wear? Perfect.
3. Flowers
A gift that smells so good.
4. Food!
A favorite snack? What beats that?
5. Cards
And, of course, the tried and true - cards. A sweet message goes a long way.
Whatever gift you're looking for, your Mom will just be happy to hear from you! Happy Mother's Day!
Check out my Mother's Day card collection here:
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